In the cottage, bunk beds
The Yama-age Festival in Nasukarasuyama June 24-26 2009
The traditional field play Kabuki. Performance six times a day.
You can't see players because it's too small from here.
The Kabuki is performed in the far-off front of the spectator.
The play title is Masakado.
Around the performance place
Night performance. The play title is Yoshino-yama.
Kabuki is performed at various place in our city.I got a side seat at this time.^^)/

You can't see players because it's too small from here.
The Kabuki is performed in the far-off front of the spectator.
The play title is Masakado.
Around the performance place
Night performance. The play title is Yoshino-yama.
Kabuki is performed at various place in our city.I got a side seat at this time.^^)/
Yama-age-Festival Poster
Horse riding at Batoh Horse land
Genghis khan - My loving disco oldies
I found out it! It's my loving song!!
This link show you an old disco songs "Moscow", "Genghis khan" that was very popular in those days but I believe still it is absolutely the best. I love it. "Genghis khan" is also the name of thier band. Let's try listening and dancing lightly, shall we?

This link show you an old disco songs "Moscow", "Genghis khan" that was very popular in those days but I believe still it is absolutely the best. I love it. "Genghis khan" is also the name of thier band. Let's try listening and dancing lightly, shall we?

Sports festival of Arakawa Junior High
I went to the school sports festival of my granddaughter. She is eight grades this year. I took some photos of her activity.
Three Oriental beautiful girls:

The march of the tennis club team:
The prettiest girl of them is my granddaughter.^^)/

A tug of war:Standard of the School sports festival.

Throwing ball game:A Traditional game that students put a ball into a top basket and numerical many teams win the game.
Three Oriental beautiful girls:
The march of the tennis club team:
The prettiest girl of them is my granddaughter.^^)/
A tug of war:Standard of the School sports festival.
Throwing ball game:A Traditional game that students put a ball into a top basket and numerical many teams win the game.
Iizaka Onsen
My favorite American TV drama
AN OLD TALE OF JAPAN★No.2 Sumo of the two mice
Once upon a time, in a far place there is an old poor and kind couple.
One day, When an old man go to the hill as usual
"Hakke-yohi! Nokotta, Nokotta(ready! go, go)", He heard someone's voice.
"Well, whom voice is it?"
When he opened the bush and he peep through an opening, there are two mice doing sumo wrestling.
"The first mouse is skinny the second is fatty of the rich house"
The skinny mouse who lived in the old man's house. It is always defeated because it has no power, even if they do it many times.
After he came back home, he told his wife the story of the mice.
"That's a poor thing."I wanna somehow let our skinny mouse win" he said.
And, The old woman answered
"Well, we shall let our skinny mouse eat Mochi, so that it will become mighty"
"Oh! That's a good idea!"
The couple made Mochi immediately for it, and they rolloed it into the hole where the skinny mouse lives.
On the next day, the skinny mouse and the fatty mouse did sumo wrestling again.
This time, the old man's skinny mouse won the sumo wrestling. The two mice fight over and over again, the skinny mouse always outwin the game.
Then, the fatty mouse is wondering and he asked the skinny mouse,
"Why are you become so strong suddenly?"
The skinny mouse said proudly,
"He, he, actually, the old couple gave me some Mochi yesterday. therefore I became powerfull".
"Good, the owner of the house is rich but he is stingy with money, and he never give me Mochi at all".
"Well, cammon to my house. An old man will make some Mochi tonight, I will give you half of it".
"Really? I'm happy for that".
The old man hear this talking, and he made some Mochi for them and rooled it into the hole.
The old woman sewed small Mawashi to two mice.
When they came back home, they were so delighted to find that.
The pleased fatty mouse gave the couple the small gold coin, which the fatty mouse brought it for souvenir. Since then the old couple became rich.
"Even if you are poor, if you have a kind heart and takes care of other people, someday you will surely be happy."
AN OLD TALE OF JAPAN★No.1 An unckle who can bloom a flower to a dead trees

Onece upon a time in somewhere an old man and an old woman was lived there.
They have no child so that they loved thier dog named Shiro(which mean white) so much.
One day, Shiro was barking in the farm.
"dig here bowwow dig here bowwow" Shiro said.
"What's happen? Are you saing to me you must be dig here, right? well well, Ok, I will dig there".
When a old man dig there
"Oh, my gat, what a wonderful!"
That is amount of big coins and small coins was coming out next to next from the ground.
The nighbor old man who is a grapsing listen to this story and said
"I must be get the big coins and small coins too. Hey You should be rent me that Shiro".
The grasping old man force to take Shiro from them to the farm.
And then, When he digged a place where Shiro was yelpping, there were amount of garbages coming out.
"Shit! this crazy useless dog!"
The heat up old grapsing man terribly beated and beated Shiro to dead.
An old man and an old woman who lost thier lovely Shiro, they have no idea to help for them, they buried him in the farm, and put up a stick and made a grave for him.
Next day, When an old man and an old woman went to the farm to praying for Shiro's grave, that stick splendidly getting grew up a bigger tree.
An old man and an old woman made a Usu by using its tree and made some Mochi.
While they were doing that it was wonderful, amount of treasure had coming out from the Mochi.
The neighbor grapsing old man who hear that story
"Oh, I get treasure too with making a Mochi. Hey you, Rent me that."
he said. and He forced to rent his Usu he tried to make a mochi in his house.
But, It is just only stones coming out, there are no treasure.
"Oh my got What a crazy Usu!"
The heat up old grapsing man smashed out the Usu by ax and burned it to ash.
An old man who was burned the favorite his Usu was going to back home while put the white ash which was burned into his bamboo colander,
When the time, Ash was blew away by the wind and took on the tree lightly.
What's happen.
The dead trees covered by that ash would begging to bloom fully.
An old man pleased so much and then he said
"Let's be a bloom on a dead tree, Yeah."
while he saing that, he blooms beatiful flowers to the dead trees with sprinkling the ash.
Just in time to ther The feudal lord of the castle came
"Wow what a incredible!"
The feudal lord was so glad to see that and gave him a lot of reward.
The grasping old man who see this and said
"Hey I wonna get a reward to blooming flowers. Give me the ash to me. Common!"
When he forced to get the ash from him and said to feudal lord
"Sir, in actually, this ash is mine. I would be bloom the flower on the trees for you, so that i wanna some reward. yeah!"
A grasping old man splinkled a lots of ash here and there to bloom a lot of flowers in front of the feudal lord.
But when he did that the ash get into the feudal lord's eyes, a grasping old man was beated hardly and hardly by his follower.
The end.
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